Our Electrical Contractor Can Help You Stay Cool All Summer Long!
Although ceiling fans are no longer as popular as they used to be a few years ago, they are still a more cost-effective method to keep yourself cool during the summer in comparison to any type of air conditioning systems. Surprisingly, they can also help you stay warm during the cooler months! If you are interested to learn more about the options you have for installing ceiling fans around your home, then this post prepared by our electrical contractor is just what you need to read.
How do ceiling fans operate?
Of course, every type of ceiling fan works differently, but the basic concept is that all of them move the air over your skin. As you know your body produces heat, so all you need to have in order to get rid of it is a some air to disperse it and take it away from you.
The secret that stays behind its low energy use is that it actually does not cool of the air inside a room but just moves it around creating a “wind effect”. That requires less electricity. Actually, it has been estimated your electrical contractor that an average fan uses less electricity than a 60 watt light globe.
How can a ceiling fan help you during the winter?
You don’t need to be very good at physics to remember the following basic rule that you have learned at school. Warm air always stays at the top of a room, the cooler air is always at the bottom. If you use a ceiling fan during the winter, it will help you force down the warm air. Of course, you will still need some extra heating, but a fan can help you save.
In order to get your ceiling fan properly installed, we highly recommend you to contact a licensed electrical contractor. Any DIY work involving cables and electricity is hazardous and should be avoided by people who do not have the proper qualification. If you are located in Santa Clarita, CA, you can surely contact Santa Clarita Delight Electric, and we will help you with the installation right away. Dial (661) 238-7353 today, and take advantage of our summer special deals!